Quality System

Our laboratories have participated for years in external quality control, for more than 150 tests in the fields of Hematology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Coagulation, etc.
What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Quality Control for a Medical Analysis Laboratory?
✔ The results of our laboratories are compared with 2000 laboratories throughout Europe, this makes our laboratories work with the same European Standards as every laboratory in Europe. Safety and accuracy in the laboratory increase, thus making the laboratory complete the quality management system, according to ISO 9001: 2015, which Biohit laboratories have had for many years. “Our quality is your guarantee” Quality management according to ISO standards is an organizational system integrated and well consolidated in the structure of Biohi, whose main purpose is to guarantee the quality of the services provided.
✔ The high standard achieved by Biohit confirms the results achieved over time and encourages us to progressively improve our performance, aware that quality is a constant challenge. Customer needs and expectations, gathered through market research tools (for example questionnaires) or spontaneous reports, are examined, evaluated and, according to the company’s programmatic objectives, properly addressed.
Compliance With Accreditation Requirements
✔ Requirements related to accreditation, verification and their updating are guaranteed by the respect of the relevant resolutions and by the fulfillment of the required requirements.
Compatibility With The Goals And Interests Of The Group
✔ Quality objectives are defined and planned to guarantee their real follow-up and consistency with the strategic and institutional goals of the group. Through compliance with regulatory requirements, mandatory or regulated by instructions, quality controls, audit results, activity planning, provision of new resources, use of specific indicators to control the most important processes. During the periodic review, at least once a year, a critical evaluation of the quality policy in force is guaranteed to assess the consistency with the strategic-organizational, economic and legislative framework that regulates the development of the company’s activities.